

Quant fund manager AQR Capital Management is increasing the role of machines in its decision-making process, with assets under management totaling $109 billion. Co-founder Cliff Asness mentioned that the firm has made changes in recent years which have led to improved performance, partly driven by market cycles.

Asness stated that while AQR is not diving into themes like artificial intelligence, they are entrusting more decisions to machines, with confidence that this shift has led to at least some improvement. While competitors have been exploring machine learning, AQR has historically relied on traditional economic theories and academic research for its strategies.

Asness also highlighted the evolving market inefficiencies, such as the widening valuation gap between value and growth stocks triggered by meme stocks and the pandemic. Despite recent convergence in the gap, Asness believes this indicates the market is not in a bubble. AQR has adjusted its investment opportunities in value stocks accordingly, recognizing that the attractive opportunities seen three years ago are not as prevalent today.

(ブルームバーグ): クオンツファンドを運用するAQRキャピタル・マネジメントは、機械に任せる役割をさらに増やしていると、共同創業者クリフ・アスネス氏が明らかにした。同社の運用資産は1090億ドル(約17兆4200億円)。







原題:Cliff Asness Says the Machines Are Making More Decisions at AQR(抜粋)

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