ユーデザイン 合成皮革ブランド設立 リンゴの芯や皮を活用 新たな収益の柱に


Yew Design, a design company that specializes in creating designs for flyers and other materials, has launched a brand of bags using synthetic leather made from discarded apple cores and peels called "Apple Leather". The company aims to attract environmentally-conscious customers by utilizing their design expertise and focusing on environmental conservation.

Yew Design is located in Nagoya, Japan and is led by Maehira Makoto. They have decided to venture into the sustainable fashion market by creating a line of products using innovative materials like Apple Leather, showcasing their commitment to both design and environmental sustainability.

By diversifying their revenue streams with the introduction of a new product line, Yew Design is not only reducing their dependence on design services but also positioning themselves as a socially responsible brand dedicated to preserving the environment.

ユーデザイン 合成皮革ブランド設立 リンゴの芯や皮を活用 新たな収益の柱に

 チラシなどのデザインを手掛けるYew Design(ユーデザイン、名古屋市名東区藤見が丘106、平井誠代表、電話090・3425・9265)は、廃棄されるリンゴの芯や皮を活用した合成皮革「アップルレザー」で製作した、かばんなどのブランドを立ち上げた。培ったデザイン力を生かし、環境保全に意識の高い顧客獲得を狙う。デザイン業務に依存せず、新たな収益の柱を育成していく。